Resolved -
The infrastructure issues are now resolved, and Cursor services should be returning to normal shortly.
Mar 28, 05:33 UTC
Update -
We are continuing to monitor system performance, and working to recover our infrastructure to full capacity.
Mar 28, 05:25 UTC
Update -
System recovery is still in progress, and some services are now becoming available.
The team is closely monitoring this, and is working to resolve any further issues.
Mar 28, 03:40 UTC
Monitoring -
A fix has been implemented, and services should start to recover shortly.
Mar 28, 03:34 UTC
Identified -
Due to a database deployment issue within Cursor's infrastructure, Cursor is seeing degradation across all its features.
This may affect most AI features, including Chat and Tab.
The cause is known, and a fix is being worked on.
Mar 28, 03:20 UTC